Coluna Claquete – June 21, 2016 – Movie of the week: “All About Them”

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Newton Ramalho @colunaclaquete


Movie of the Week: “All About Them” 
On these strange times we live in, where people wander between the purest intolerance and political correctness, it is very nice to watch a movie in which the only thing that matters is the relationship between people – even if this relationship is different from what is considered “normal”.The film in focus is “All About Them” ( “A trois on y va”, 2014), directed by Jérôme Bonnell.
As the title suggests, the story involves three people: Charlotte (Sophie Verbeeck) and Micha (Felix Moati), who have been together for four years, and their friend, Melodie (Anaïs Demoustier). The three are young and struggle with the difficulties of a start in life.
Charlotte and Micha has a further problem, since their relationship suffers from the wear of monotony. This has led Charlotte to have an affair with Mélodie, a situation that has lasted a few months, but also suffers from doubts and problems of the two women.
In turn, Micha is attracted by Mélodie, and some circumstances lead them to a new angle of this love triangle.Only Mélodie is aware of what is happening, and she tries at all costs to prevent friends and lovers being hurt, while trying to survive her own financial difficulties.
The film is light and fun, with some hilarious situations, typical in a romantic comedy, but never never falling into the exaggerations of Hollywood movies. The viewer is free of scatological jokes as the clichés and sentimental fussiness.
The relations between the characters are built upon the passions that unite them, reflecting some of the immediacy and fragility that mark today’s relationships.
The most notable aspect of the film is the way the subject is treated without involving moral issues. The fact that two women maintain an affair is not seen from the perspective of homosexuality, as well as adultery is not seen as the involvement of partners with a third (and the same) person.The biggest issue is the feelings of the beings involved.
The central trio play their roles very well, which directly reflects the work of French director Jérôme Bonnell. But the film’s success is mainly due to the performance of promising actress Anaïs Demoustuer, who had shone in the movie “The New Friend”, already analyzed in this blog.
“All About Them” is a light, fun movie, obviously to a less conservative audience, those with an open mind to understand that what unites people are not the moral, political and religious conventions, but above all, love.
Original title: “The trois on y va”
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