Movie of the Week: “Going in Style”

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I do not know if it was a coincidence, but the eve of Grandparents Day was rewarded by a delicious film titled “Going in Style” (USA, 2017). What struck me most was the trio of actors, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin, who starred in many movies that rocked my teenage years.

This movie is a remake of another production of the same name, released in 1979, with a trio of veterans of the time, George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg.The plot is the same: disgusted by the financial situation provoked by the greed of the banks, they decide to rob one of these establishments.

Willie (Morgan Freeman), Joe (Michael Caine) and Albert (Alan Arkin) are long time friends, currently retired, but fellows for decades at a steel mill.In the old age they are, they are surprised by the abusive increase in the mortgage of their homes, while they see their pension fund being confiscated, to pay debts of their old company.

Joe had been an involuntary witness to an assault on the bank where he had an account, and after being bureaucratically mistreated by it, he proposed to his companions to avenge him by means of a robbery.

Each one has its own problems. Joe takes care of his daughter and granddaughter, who live with him, and now he sees himself on the verge of losing his only house. Willie has severe kidney problems, and desperately needs a transplant. Albert is a solitary and reclusive man who does not see many perspectives in life.

From the moment they decide to rob the bank, their lives are shaken by new motivations. They get the unexpected help of a bandit named Jesus (John Ortiz), and they do many drills and plans for the final blow.

It is very likely that the reader is feeling right now the undisguised taste of Afternoon Session in this movie. This is irrefutable. But the plot’s driving, the acting of the actors, and the numerous situations that have as main reason the advanced age of the characters creates a funny atmosphere that turns a thriller into a light and extremely pleasant comedy.

It’s not the first time Morgan Freeman plays tricks on old age. He had done this in “RED” (USA, 2010), “Last Vegas” (USA, 2013), and the sensitive drama “The Bucket List” (USA, 2007).

In addition to the great central trio, the film still features great guest appearances by Ann-Margret as a naughty grandmother, Christopher Lloyd (the scientist from “Back to the Future”) living a hilarious sclerotic guy and Matt Dillon in the counterpoint as an FBI opportunistic agent .

A curious reference is when the old guys watch “Dog Day Afternoom”, a classic starring Al Pacino about a famous bank robbery with spectacular media coverage.

The film does not fail to focus on serious issues, which affect mostly the American society. Since there is no government social security in USA, the retirement comes from pension funds maintained by the companies themselves. A fraudulent application, or the extinction of the company can simply make those funds disappear.

Another situation is the globalization and the greed of entrepreneurs, who extinguish jobs in the United States to manufacture their products in Mexico, China or another country where labor is cheaper and labor laws are weaker – like is happening now in Brazil.

Another strange thing for us Brazilians is the real estate financing. While our system is extremely rigid and demanding, theirs are easy to get – but the interest rates may vary and become impractical – due to the banks themselves. And we can’t forget that was these banks that have caused the major financial scandals that have shaken the world over the past decade.

Leaving aside these more serious questions, how about joining grandparents, children, and grandchildren to celebrate grandparents’ day in style?Do not forget the popcorn!


Original Title: “Going in Style”


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